Wednesday 28 February 2018

How To Generate 300,000 Unique Blog Visitors Per Month

Alright, so you’ve taken the plunge and decided to start your own website. Love it.
It shows that you’re serious about your business. You may have even made some financial investments, via design or web hosting.
Whatever it is, just know that the time you’re putting in, and the money you’ve spent will come back to you.
Now that the pep talk is out of the way, we need to face certain realities.
I’m sure it’s no secret to you guys how crucial web traffic is if you want to grow your business.
Despite all of your hard efforts, something just isn’t clicking. You don’t have to feel alone.
Many bloggers just starting out can barely crack 100 visitors a day, let alone thousands.
As a fellow blogger, I know EXACTLY how you guys feel because I was once there. There is no secret formula. You just need a strategy.
Here’s the overview of my users in 2016 for See how I’ve consistently generated 300,000+ users per month throughout the year?
Here’s what you can do to generate a big amount of traffic in no time:

1. Invest in social media marketing

I’ve learned that every social media channel is different. Some networks may work for you while others may not.
While I use every major social media network myself, I choose to focus on two channels – Facebook Groups and Pinterest. I did invest in other social networks too but I figured that only these two work well for me, mostly because of my niche.
Check out this stat from 2016: (see how Pinterest and Facebook bring the most social traffic?)
In Pinterest, most of my own pins generate thousands of repins. Some of them get over 10,000 repins. My Pinterest generates over 900,000 views per month. In Facebook, I started a group where bloggers help promote each other. Now it has over 7,000 members and 100+ bloggers active daily.
Image Source: Pinterest
How did I do this? Besides reading a lot of tutorials, I also followed some successful people and observed how they use social media. Like they say, learning from the best is always one of the best methods to generate ideas and techniques.
Lesson here? Be active on all social media by using a scheduling tool (to save time) but only focus on those that work well for your niche. Determine where your target audience hangs out the most. Each network works differently so research for tutorials on how to promote on each social network effectively. Lastly, watch how your competitors use social media.
Here’s what I’ve noticed:
  • Pinterest works well for those who are in the creative industry (bloggers, fashion, makeup, weddings). Most people use Pinterest to search and curate ideas.
  • Facebook works well for those who are in the entertainment industry. The audience here usually likes and/or shares content that sparks emotion.
  • Instagram works well for those who are in the creative industry as well. It’s similar to Pinterest but you share your own photos and you need to be active daily in order to make it work well for you.
Social media should be a part of your daily marketing and that is a non-negotiable – at least until you are able to build up a big enough following.

2. Provide freebies that your target market craves

People think that in order to sell, that making money must be their entire focus.  Of course, you want to make money.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t throw out a free nugget of wisdom every so often for your new or loyal visitors.
People LOVE free. If you keep churning out free content that is relevant, you create trust with your visitors. The more they trust you, the more often they will visit your site, and eventually purchase whatever product or service you are selling.
I use this tactic all the time and it works.
In my blog post, 100+ Blog Post Title Templates That Grab Attention, I break down the simple, yet effective way to create catchy blog titles. Here’s an example:
This article really generated a lot of positive feedback because, not only did I write about what works and what doesn’t, but I also provide over 100 title templates for them.
People need information but they don’t necessarily have a lot of time to implement the new information they are absorbing.
This step-by-step formula made it easy for people to create powerful titles, without having to waste precious brain power to create them.
This gives entrepreneurs more time to focus on their business, rather than small details that can often drive people crazy.
What do I get in return? I’ve been racking up relevant backlinks and email subscribers. More backlinks = better search rankings = more traffic = more email subscribers.
This is Google GOLD!

3. Prioritize email list building

Imagine, I started prioritizing this method after about a year of blogging and I really wish I started earlier than that.
As of 2017, here’s my current number of subscribers – 100K!
It does bring a decent amount of website traffic, and no it’s really not as hard as you think.
Here are the methods I use to generate subscribers:
  • Offer an incentive. Remember, people love free stuff. So offer them something they crave in exchange for their emails.
  • Place your opt-in in multiple places. Create several catchy opt-ins and place them somewhere visible on your website. This can be done via pop-ups, top bar, bottom right or within your blog posts.
  • Make it easy to subscribe. Remember, you want to make people’s lives easier. Only request 1 or 2 pieces of information (email and name).
  • Take advantage of your most popular blog posts. This is actually the most effective method for generating subscribers. 50% of my subscribers come from my most popular blog posts. Check your most popular pages via Google Analytics and offer freebies that are relevant to the current article. For example, you’re offering advice on how to write a catchy title, create a template for them with sample title templates.
You can check out my website ( and see how I place my opt-in forms. There is one on the top, there is one pop up, some within my blog posts and at the bottom of every blog post.
Here’s an example post:
Encourage your readers to subscribe by using beautiful visuals and an effective call to action button. Let them know exactly what they’re getting.

4. Make your content easy to read

Remember, one of your goals is to make a good impression (to keep your visitors coming back).
You want people to remember that your content is easy to follow or scan. You don’t want to scare them off with lengthy, uninterrupted text.
Organize your content in an easy-to-follow format. This includes everything from having images that are big and clear, to making sure your content is easy to read.
Here’s what I do:
  • Keep your paragraphs short. I like to break up my paragraphs, so users don’t get bogged down by too many words. When you break up the paragraphs, users can read a lot faster. This is particularly useful for articles, which are over 1,000 words.
  • Use lists. Not only does it make your content look more appealing but it also give your readers a visual break.
  • Use readable fonts. Use fonts that are easy to read. I recommend using commonly-used ones such as Arial, Georgia, Times New Roman or Trebuchet MS. Do not use less than 12px in size.
  • Use visual aids. Keep your readers’ attention and make reading a lot more enjoyable with relevant and appealing visuals.

5. Infuse SEO

SEO has always been my most favorite method for driving website traffic. Here’s a stat from Google Analytics. In 2016, about 70% of my visitors came from search engines. Amazing, right?
Let’s take a look at this example post with over 1.8 million views:
When you type “Twitter Header” or “Twitter Cover” on most search engines, you will see that my The New Twitter Header Dimensions + Templates Included (2017) post is on the first page of the Google search.
Why? Not only is it useful, but it’s also optimized for search engines.
See how I use long tail keywords in the post title itself? Instead of just using “Twitter Cover Dimension”, I added “NEW” and “2017” because I know Twitter keeps changing their layout, and people would always search for the latest and most updated template.
Here are some other methods I use to get better search rankings:
  • Generate backlinks. In order to generate backlinks, create useful content, provide freebies and link to authority websites. Be active on promoting your content by spreading out on social media, engage with other bloggers within your industry, and guest post for high-quality blogs.
  • Use keywords effectively. Determine what keywords you need to use by defining your target market’s wants and needs, and by watching your competitors. Here’s a good guide for you.
  • Improve user experience. One of your goals is to get visitors to stay longer on your website and decrease your bounce rate. How? Make your website responsive (mobile friendly). Use a reliable web hosting company that has minimal downtime. Remember, your website’s speed impacts search ranking so be sure to choose the right web hosting for you. Make your website easy to navigate and easy to scan (ask yourself: when you go to your website, do you immediately understand what it’s all about?)
  • Apply on-page SEO methods. I optimize my content for search engines by using SEO-friendly URLs, linking to authority websites, using ALT tags on images, removing duplicate content, optimizing meta tags, using headings and doing internal links effectively.

Wrapping up

You may be feeling all alone when it comes to increasing the traffic of your website. But I promise you that if you start implementing these tips, you will experience massive amounts of growth in no time!
What are your favorite ways to increase traffic? Time to share!
Guest Author: Pauline Cabrera is a digital strategist based in Toronto, Ontario. Shehelps bloggers & businesses get noticed online using effective internet marketing strategies combined with web design, SEO + email marketing.


Sunday 25 February 2018

Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment: What Multichannel Sellers Need to Know Read more at

In the world of online retail, there’s every reason to sell across several channels to reach the widest audience possible.
That means maintaining your own website, as well as a presence on the likes of Amazon, eBay and Walmart, to name a few.
But with more sales channels comes the need for a smooth order fulfillment process. Chances are you’ve heard about the benefits of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), but a lesser-known service offered by the e-commerce giant is Multi-Channel Fulfillment—which could bring cohesion to the chaos of selling on multiple sales channels.

What is Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment?

For the uninitiated, Amazon offers a service called FBA that handles third-party sellers’ back-end operations. This includes storage, fulfillment and customer support.
Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) is a program within FBA, although it’s available with or without the service. But if you do use FBA, your existing inventory will serve both Amazon customers and customers from your other sales channels.
The benefit of keeping all your inventory in one place and having orders fulfilled by one company is obvious—everything is centralized. That means any changes you need can be made with one phone call and quality control is consistent across all your sales channels. It’s simple and it saves time—but how about saving money?

The cost of using MCF

Amazon’s fees vary widely depending on weight, size and destination, so let’s take a look at some examples. (Note: these prices are per one unit order, with incremental discounts for greater numbers as mentioned on the fees page.)
  • Standard shipping (3-5 days): $5.85–$5.95 depending on size and weight. Anything over 2 lbs costs an additional $0.39 per lb. There are incremental discounts for orders of more than one unit as well.
  • Expedited shipping (2 days): $7.90 – $8.35 (+$0.39/lb above 2lb).
  • Priority shipping (next day): $12.80 – $13.85 (+$0.39/lb above 2lb).
These fees are for domestic shipping. Click here for international pricing.
The fees vary from region to region: order handling is $13.60, Pick and Pack is $0.60 regardless of where you’re shipping to, but the weight handling fee per pound is different:
  • Europe: $2.20/lb
  • Americas: $2.60/lb
  • Asia and Oceania: $3.00/lb
  • Africa and the Middle East: $3.60/lb
These prices refer to the first 15lbs, with an additional $0.50 for the next 16–20 lb of order weight.

How to use MCF

Here’s how it works. A seller receives customer shipping information and passes it on to Amazon, which picks, packs and ships the order.
All the seller has to do is navigate to the “Manage FBA Inventory” button in their Seller Central Account, pick the products to be fulfilled and select “create fulfillment order.” Next, enter the customer’s details, along with the order ID number and, optionally, a note to be printed on the package. Amazon will provide a price estimate before the order is submitted.
That’s it! Sellers can also choose to send a “flat file” of several orders at once. It’s a straightforward process that can streamline the shipping and fulfillment process significantly.
It’s worth noting that MCF users gain access to Amazon’s fulfillment network, operational expertise and trusted shipping options for all their orders, from wherever they’re placed. That means they can offer customers one- and two-day shipping options, differentiating their products from competitors with speedy delivery.
Remember, consistently faster shipping speeds mean better feedback from customers, which is of paramount importance to winning the Amazon Buy Box.
Capitalize on that customer satisfaction by using feedback software to target positive reviews. xSellco Feedback sends smart, selective requests to happy customers, so you can increase your seller metrics and improve your reputation—not to mention, grow your sales.
Offering fast, reliable delivery via a trusted fulfillment service and following up at the right time with personalized feedback queries is a sure-fire way to get more positive reviews—which frees up time for you to focus on fine-tuning your e-commerce business.


5 Ways To Make Facebook Users Share Your Content

When it comes to Facebook marketing, nothing can be said to be certain, except for news feed algorithm updates that reduce the organic visibility of brands and publishers.
The latest Facebook algorithm change, announced this week, will put a bigger emphasis on updates from friends and family. Facebook’s sole piece of advice for Page admins and editors was to post things that your audience is likely to share with their friends.
So that raises a couple of important question: why do people share content on Facebook? And how can you use this information to ensure you’re creating the type of content that people are more likely to share?
Content marketing agency Fractl has done some insightful research that should help marketers who want to gain or maintain an edge in the Facebook news feed as the latest changes roll out.
“With the latest algorithm tweak putting more emphasis on user-generated content, as well as the third-party content users share, marketers must now more than ever understand the sharing habits and motivations of the average Facebook user in order to ensure brand awareness and engagement on the network,” said Fractl’s Ashley Carlisle. “Creating content that appeals to today’s user, however, lowers the likelihood of reduced organic traffic as users will want to naturally syndicate shareworthy content.”
Here are the top five reasons why people share content on Facebook, according to Fractl’s research:
Why people share content on Facebook

1. To Entertain

The primary reason people said they share something is to entertain their friends with interesting content, according to Fractl. This group accounted for 48 percent of the 2,000 people surveyed.
The type of content that would fit into this category would be fun, cute, funny, or inspirational videos, articles, images and memes, or some other types of “light” content that makes people feel good.

2. To Express Themselves

Seventeen percent of those surveyed said they share content that they care about. This is their way to express themselves about who they are to their friends by letting them know what they enjoy (e.g., sports, hobbies, pop culture) and what they care about (e.g., causes, issues, politics).
Only 5 percent of those surveyed shared content more than four times per day, but of those who did, 42 percent said they do so to maintain a certain mage of themselves (compared to 31 percent of all the respondents who check into Facebook daily).
Another interesting finding: 62 percent of people said they avoid sharing items that make them look bad. So try to make sure your content will make the people sharing it look good!

3. To Evoke An Emotional Response

Does your content have an emotional punch? Emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, and disgust are proven to drive clicks and shares.
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According to Fractl, 13 percent of people said they share something that will make their friends feel something. Women are more likely to share this type of content.
Interestingly, however, 52 percent of people tend to avoid sharing controversial content about “hot-button” topics. So if you want to get more Facebook visibility, controversy might not be your best route.

4. To Educate

Eleven percent of respondents said they share content that their friends will find useful. This might be news content, how-tos, or reviews.
The majority of this group (55 percent) said they share things they hope their friends will find useful.

5. Other Reasons

Fractl also had a fifth category, Other, that accounted for 11 percent of respondents. Although not specified in their research, I reached out to Fractl to find out what these other reasons were.
This group said they share content on Facebook to: Try to persuade their friends about something (2 percent); let people know what they’ve been reading (3 percent); and find out what their friends think about something (3 percent). The remaining percentage said they share for a variety of reasons, but one interesting one was “to find content again later.”

Sharing Makes People Feel Connected

Whether it’s on Facebook or another platform, 69 percent of people told Fractl they share content, at least partially, to feel closer to their friends. Facebook, itself, is proof of this – more than a billion people log in every day to keep connected with family and friends.
Truly being able to connect people through your content is powerful and invaluable. So try to create shareable content that people love. Growing a loyal community will help build momentum you need to help your business thrive, regardless of whatever changes Facebook (or other social networks) throw at you.
While nothing here should be too surprising (and is often easier said than done) it’s a good reminder to create content relevant to your industry or niche that does three things. It:
  • Inspires, informs, inspires, entertains, or educates your target audience.
  • Evokes an emotional response.
  • Makes the sharer look good.
Image Credits
Featured: Depositphotos

Saturday 24 February 2018

How to find anyone's email address or Phone Numbers: Ultimate Guide Webinar

How to Get email Address From Linkedin- 2018 Trick

Up Your Social Media Game with These Top 20 Tips Read more at

Interested in taking your social media strategy to the next level? It’s not enough to just post on social media channels. Reconsider your overall strategy and how to reach your audience with relevant and engaging content. To up your social media game and gain a competitive advantage against the vast amounts of content out there, implement these top 20 tips:
  1. Choose the right tool: Analyze how you execute your social media strategy and the tools you are using for publishing and monitoring your posts. Whether HootsuiteHubSpot, or another social media tool, you’ll want to use a tool that compliments your marketing activities and that is easy to use.
  2. Know your audience: When was the last time you did buyer persona research to understand your target audience? According to the Buyer Persona Institute, you should define your personas by interviewing recent buyers from the last 30-60 days or at least from the last year. Consider revisiting your buyer persona research on a yearly basis to have the most up-to-date information.
  3. Pick the right channels: Consider additional social media channels like Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Choose channels that your buyer personas are using and engaging with. Go beyond the main channels of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  4. Align social media with your content marketing plan: Include a social media section in your overall editorial plan. Social media content should be a large part of your content marketing plan, not an afterthought.
  5. Follow your style and branding guidelines: Staying consistent with your voice and messaging and following your company’s writing guidelines for social media posts and marketing content will help make it easier for your readers to digest content.
  6. Top influencers: Consider sharing your customers’ and employees’ social media content, in addition to key influencers within the industry. By doing so, customers and employees will be more likely to engage and respond to your posts in the future. Also, reach out to top influencers and ask them to share a blog post you’ve written or a content offer you have.
  7. Share culture content: People like doing business with other people, not just companies. Include posts about your company’s participation in charitable events, the latest office potluck, and recent holiday parties.
  8. Add more than social icons: You may have social media icons on your website and in your email footer, but go beyond the icons and include detailed links to relevant social media posts. Encourage prospects to share, follow, and engage with a particular post.
  9. Create incentives: Want your employees to engage and share social media content with their networks? Try using a platform like Gaggle to up your social media game and provide rewards for employees that top the leaderboard with the most posts shared and the largest engagement among their network.
  10. Assign one experienced person: Hire someone with a solid background in social media marketing to be responsible for posts on a full-time basis. They should have the ability to watch and analyze metrics in order to maintain the overall social media strategy.
  11. Optimize and format content: Social media posts do not have a one-size-fits-all approach. Each social media channel uniquely engages visitors and helps them digest content. Optimize social media messages to align with the channel and display content accordingly.
  12. Mix up content: Use a variety of content including: video clips, photo layouts, clickable quotes, gifs, and live posts. Think quality over quantity. There is so much social media content out there, you’ll want to stand out from the crowd and use the most interesting content format possible.
  13. Incorporate keywords and hashtags: How do you know which ones to use? Try using Keyhole or HashTagify to determine which hashtags have high popularity and are currently trending. Also, try Moz and SEMrush to determine which keywords have high search volumes.
  14. Incorporate links: Go beyond the standard link back to your home page and create custom pillar pages that provide great resources for your buyers. See an example of a pillar page here.
  15. Engage in other content: Social media isn’t a one-way street. Spend as much time engaging with other content as you do posting content with the same target audience and within the same industry.
  16. Keep an eye on the competition: Know what you are up against when it comes to your competitors’ social media game. Monitor their posts and follow their channels. From there, you can determine how to gain a competitive advantage.
  17. Think S.M.A.R.T.: Set goals for your social media strategy based on the S.M.A.R.T. acronym. The goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.
  18. Try not to sell: People may stop engaging with your content if you are always trying to sell them something in the immediate post. Instead, consider providing a link to a pricing page or promotion.
  19. Be careful not to overshare: It is easy to overwhelm your audience with too many posts. Again, think quality over quantity. Check out this post from Forbes to hear from the pros on how often you should post on social media.
  20. Finally, remember to have fun with your social media posts and only post what is interesting and relevant, and your readers will respond accordingly.

Friday 23 February 2018

How to Sell on Ebay Using Shopify

EBay is on a mission to make online shopping more fun for its 170 million buyers around the world.
Not only has the marketplace teamed up with Mashable to create “shoppable” content, it also plans to roll out new augmented reality features later this year to offer a more engaging experience.
Buyers aren’t the only ones to benefit from eBay’s bid to shed its auction-site image once and for all. Shopify store owners now have another option to reach more customers.
sell on ebay using shopify

U.S.-based Shopify users can list and sell products on eBay

The platform’s integration with eBay went live in October 2017 for U.S.-based merchants selling in USD (similar to its Amazon connection), enabling them to list and sell their products on the marketplace directly from their Shopify account.
By adding this new sales channel, merchants can instantly sync inventory information such as product titles and descriptions, price and quantity from Shopify to eBay in real time, instead of manually entering it.
In addition, orders placed on eBay are imported to Shopify. This allows merchants to process orders from both platforms in one place. Meanwhile, any messages from eBay buyers will also be visible within Shopify.

How much does it cost?

There are no additional Shopify fees for selling on eBay, but you do need to pay for a Stores account. Monthly subscriptions range from $24.95 a month to $349.95 a month, though the marketplace is offering three free months of eBay Premium (worth $225) to Shopify users for a limited time.
Not sure which Stores subscription suits your business? According to eBay, Basic is best for sellers listing at least 250 items a month, Premium is for those with at least 1,000 items, while anyone listing no fewer than 10,000 items should aim for Anchor.
Shopify takes a percentage of net revenue on every sale you make through eBay, while the latter charges a final value fee on each transaction.

Make the most of this integration with an e-commerce help desk

“The eBay channel has the potential to introduce our merchants to eBay’s millions of buyers, exposing merchants to a massive number of new sales opportunities,” said Satish Kanwar, Shopify’s VP of Product.
EBay boasts 170 million active buyers worldwide, as well as 1.1 billion listings. So it’s safe to say that standing out to potential shoppers requires more than trending products and eye-catching images.
Offering great customer service before, during and after a transaction is the backbone of a successful eBay business—and investing in an e-commerce help desk can make a huge difference.
Although Shopify’s eBay integration means that sellers can communicate with customers on eBay from within Shopify, more than 60 percent of the platform’s merchants sell in two or more channels. Where does that leave multichannel sellers with customer service?
xSellco Helpdesk is purpose-built for sellers, with over 60 live connections to Shopify, eBay, Amazon and many more. We consolidate customer queries and order details from all your sales channels into one dashboard, giving you everything you need to respond quickly.
Most of Shopify’s help desk integrations are powered through apps and can experience delays when receiving messages. Not to mention, a bolt-on is usually required for sellers to see customer order information alongside support tickets.
xSellco offers true integration with Shopify. This ensures you have up-to-date, accurate information at all times. Plus, you can track key e-commerce metrics, such as order cancellations and returns so you can pinpoint recurring problems and make improvements accordingly.

Capitalize on customer satisfaction and ask for feedback

Once you perfect the buyer experience, don’t let that hard-earned customer satisfaction go to waste. Target positive seller feedback by indirectly asking happy shoppers to leave you a review.
For instance, use a series of carefully crafted and personalized post-purchase messages that address common queries relating to what they bought and include links to your seller feedback page.
Remember, positive feedback drives sales. Turn your current customers into your best salespeople by automating your requests with xSellco and achieve a great reputation with minimal effort.
Ask for feedback on the right products, from the right customers, at the right time. Don’t batch-and-blast and hope for the best. Tailor your requests to target orders by SKU, product type, on-time delivery, destination and more—and watch your seller rating soar.
