Tuesday 20 February 2018

Why 85% of People Want to See MORE Video Content From Brands Read more at https://www.business2community.com/brandviews/wyzowl/85-people-want-see-video-content-brands-02017613

In the last couple of years we’ve seen a tremendous rise in video content marketing. It’s a form of branding and marketing that isn’t going anywhere, and we wanted to explore exactly why 85% of people want to see more video content from brands.
In this article, you will learn why consumers are preferring video content from brands as a platform for learning, instant gratification and an assistance for decision making. We will also see the link between video content and overall marketing strategy and how branded video content can help your business grow.

A Platform for Learning

One of the biggest benefits of video content comes in the form of education. Brands are now able to summarise their message in concise, short from manner.
Consumers want to gain access to additional information at the touch of a button, and video content allows this. Should they enjoy your explainer videos and tutorials they can further engage with your brand by subscribing to your channel or following your brand on social media.
Businesses will need to be able to produce high-quality video fast if they wish to benefit from the increased reach platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide for uploading video content native to the platform. – Social Media Examiner 

Instant Gratification

In this current technological era, we’ve become obsessed with instant gratification. This can be seen in the rise of online shopping and live streaming. People want to stay engaged and video content in the form of ‘live’ sessions via social channels or Q&A videos explaining anticipated queries can do exactly this.
Did you know, for example, that Facebook video receives, on average, 135 percent more organic reach than a Facebook photo? Or that 73 percent of B2B marketers say that video positively impacts marketing ROI? – Buffer
Businesses need to feed the urgency of the consumer and by creating informative, unique and summarised video content they can do exactly that.
Apart from instant gratification video content also allows for the consumer to connect with the brand on a personal level.
Video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions online. It’s King because it offers a slew of attributes above and beyond traditional content like tone of voice, face expressions, and music, to name a few. – Vidyard

A Visual Treat

Instead of scrolling down lines and lines of text, consumers like to be visually stimulated. That’s why channels such as Instagram are so popular. Apart from merely reading about a concept, you can now add visuals to your message.
Design and development companies can greatly enhance the artistic experience for the viewer while also showcases their skills and expertise. Animated videos are an ideal way for companies to get their message out without having to use their employees as marketing ambassadors.
Airbnb is a master in converting data into viral-worthy marketing campaigns. One of their notable campaigns was their short film, “Hollywood & Vine” where their fans from all over the world were invited to create short vine videos that could be featured in the mini-movie. The chosen applicants then received $100 in Airbnb vouchers.
As Airbnb CMO Jonathan Mildenhall says: ‘This is not just about advertising storytelling either. Real-time storytelling is where the world is headed’.
Apart from Video content being a visual treat it’s also regularly accompanied by music which can make the content experience more memorable. The brand Onzie nailed this combo with their fitness line video branding campaign aimed at a new market. Here you’ll note that music can be a key element of a great product video.
Buzzfeed got ahead of the trend by introducing the addictive Tasty video content. Consumers love seeing simplified versions of seemingly complex activities. With these videos, everyone can feel like a chef at home. It’s not only the content itself that’s captivating, but also the videography behind it.
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In 15 months, Tasty has created 2,000 recipe videos that in aggregate reach a staggering 500 million people a month—and the brand counts more than 100 million Facebook fans. – Adweek

Access to Expertise

By providing consumers with video content, brands are showing that they want to help their audience. They care about providing solutions to your problems, entertaining your curious mind and build an emotional connection by presenting their employees online.
Video content allows the consumer to gain access to the people behind the brand as well as their expertise.
Zendesk understood the value of sharing experience and expertise via video content. They made use of Zendesk Real Stories to build trust and prove authenticity to their audience and showcase how they simplify their consumers’ business operations.

It Helps Them Decide

image: https://cdn.business2community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/YouTube.png

Brands have noted that video content resulted in an increase in their ROI. Branded video content can act as a deciding factor for a prospective buyer. In our 2018 State of Marketing Survey, it was revealed that:
81% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. 
Where both video and text are available on the same page, 72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product or service. 

They Want to Build Relationships

As mentioned before, consumers want to be able to build a relationship with the brands that they are following. The narrative of video content is highly beneficial in this regard. Building these relationships inspire loyalty between the brand and their audience.
When consumers enjoy your content they are more likely to become returning visitors to your platform or website, which is ideal for ROI and continued marketing.
YouTubers also provide additional incentive by including promotional content and especially promo codes somewhere in the recording. Consumers then trust that by showing support to the channel they will also be rewarded which future establishes a healthy relationship.
Consumers also prefer an informal, chatty tone of voice instead of the ‘radio voice’ that was used in the past. This casual tone imitates the way in which friends and family would communicate with each other, making it feel more authentic.

Social Media Engagement

YouTube remains the most popular (and most effective) sharing platform for video content, and there are no signs of that trend being reversed in the next year. – Wyzowl
Video content is easy to share on most social media platforms. Brands are able to extend their reach to a bigger audience because of the ‘share’ feature of videos. If the consumer is happy with your content and they know someone that would also find it valuable they are also likely to share it with their peers.
The average person watches more than an hour and a half of online video content per day, with around 15% averaging more than three hours.
Many brands utilise the power of video content specifically because of its popularity on social media. Instagram stories have also given consumers real-time or current access to their favourite brands. YouTube has always been one of the most popular video marketing platforms, but Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope and Facebook Live are right up there as well.
Now that we understand many of the reasons why people want to see more video content in 2018, we want to emphasise the importance of getting your brand onboard with this growing trend. View our wide selection of video content creation options and marketing solutions by following this link. You can also read more about video marketing statistics by viewing our The State of Video Marketing 2018 resource.
Article Source

Read more at https://www.business2community.com/brandviews/wyzowl/85-people-want-see-video-content-brands-02017613

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